Do I have to stick with one style of treatment? No. Since we offer both private and community treatments at our clinic, we are able to customize health plans for each individual that addresses their health concerns while keeping within their budget. For example, many of our new patients begin with a private treatment and then move into community treatments. Some who begin with community treatments decide to schedule a private treatment once in a while. What are the main benefits of community acupuncture? Community acupuncture streamlines the session allowing the acupuncturist to treat more people at once, resulting in lower patient cost. Community acupuncture allows for frequent, affordable treatments while providing high quality care.
What are the main benefits of private acupuncture? Practitioners can treat areas of the body such as the back and abdomen, which cannot be accessed in the community room. Depending on the condition, practitioners may also use other techniques such as electrical stimulation, cupping, gua sha or tuina massage.
I have back pain. Can I receive community acupuncture? Yes. Even though we cannot place needles directly in your back, we can choose other points beneath your elbows and knees that directly correspond to your back.